News & Publications

Trainings Available for Compliance Officers and Title IX Teams

Posted on August 20, 2023

New to a compliance role? Need a Title IX refresher? Save the date and register now.

Civil Rights Coordinator and Compliance Officer 101

Are you a new or returning Civil Rights Coordinator or Compliance Officer? Are you looking for a refresher on non-discrimination and anti-harassment laws and policies? Would you like to make sure your district is using the most up-to-date practices in preventing and responding to complaints of discrimination and harassment?

Join Scott Scriven LLP to review nondiscrimination and anti-harassment laws and regulations, learn requirements and best practices for responding to allegations of discrimination and harassment, and practice how to correctly identify new issues. The training session will be live, interactive, and virtual. Participants will be able to ask questions during the training verbally and via the chat feature.

This training is targeted for all Civil Rights Coordinators and Compliance Officers and is being offered at two different dates and times.

Dates: August 8, 2023, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Click here to register.

August 31, 2023, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Click here to register.

Trainers: Julie C. Martin and Jennifer S. Tomlin

Cost per person is $100. Cost for two or more participants from one school district is a flat $200 fee.

Title IX Training

Is your district’s Title IX team trained and ready to go for the school year? Title IX requires school districts to provide training to key members of its Title IX team. Scott Scriven LLP is offering one 3.5-hour training session for new and returning Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Decision Makers, and Appeals Decision Makers. This training session will ensure all members of your Title IX team are up to date with the latest on Title IX, including anticipated regulatory changes and recent guidance regarding athletic compliance. After attending this session, your Title IX team will have all the information it needs to implement the Title IX regulations, comply with the law, and identify best practices to address sex discrimination and harassment in your district.

The training session will be live, interactive, and virtual. Participants will be able to ask questions during the training verbally and via the chat feature. During the training, participants will receive course materials including forms, templates, and flowcharts to assist in compliance.

This training is targeted for all members of the Title IX team and is being offered at two different dates and times.

Date: August 10, 2023, 8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Trainers: Julia A. Bauer and Elizabeth A. Braverman
Click here to register.

Date: August 30, 2023, 8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Trainers: Jessica K. Philemond and Sandra R. McIntosh
Click here to register.

Cost per person is $250. Cost for two or more participants from one school district is a flat $500 fee.

Should you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact our Office Administrator, Sherri Finelli, at (614) 222-8686 or