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OSBA Capital Conference Activities

Posted on November 2, 2023

Learning Sessions with Scott Scriven LLP Attorneys
Sponsored Session


Monday, November 13, 8:00-10:00 AM, The Hilton Columbus, Downtown
402 N. High Street, Elijah Pierce Room AB

Scott Scriven LLP Complimentary Coffee & Breakfast

Monday, November 13, 9:00 AM, Room: A 213-215
Special Education Update
Sandy McIntosh, Attorney, Scott Scriven LLP

Jessica Dawso, Attorney, Scott Scriven LLP

Monday, November 13, 10:30 AM, Room: A 123-125
The Autopsy of a Decision-A Panel Discussion
Jessica Philemond, Attorney, Scott Scriven LLP
Julie Martin, Attorney, Scott Scriven LLP
Jonathan Cooper, Superintendent, Mason City Schools
Andy Culp, Superintendent, Grandview Heights City Schools
John Marschhausen, Superintendent, Dublin City Schools

Kim Pittser, Superintendent, Miami Trace Local Schools

Monday, November 13, 1:00 PM, Room: A 210-212
Collective Bargaining 2024-Trends and Hot Topics
Derek Haggerty, Attorney, Scott Scriven LLP
Mitch Stith, Attorney, Scott Scriven LLP

Philip Wagner, Superintendent, Johnstown-Monroe Local Schools

Tuesday, November 14, 11:00 AM, Room: A 210-212
When School Labor Unions Strike
Julie Martin, Attorney, Scott Scriven LLP

Jennifer Adair, Board Member, Columbus City Schools

Tuesday, November 14, 12:30 PM, Union Station Ballroom
Mary Steenburgen, Second General Session
Sponsored by Scott Scriven LLP